Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pursuit of Knowledge

Schools are very important in a person’s desire to obtain knowledge. While it is true that some people are born with an innate hunger for knowledge, many others get inspired to learn from what their teachers tell them, or what they read in books. This is why many schools now seek ways to inspire kids, not just to do well in school but to also continue their education afterwards, whether by reading books or going to universities.
Private schools are very good at inspiring kids because they have more resources available to them and, because they are a smaller school, can do more things that reflect what their students’ desire. If they are currently studying a certain subject, in say, History and it reminds a student of something else or it parallels to something else then they can possibly take the time to look at that idea or assign homework or extra credit for that particular subject.
The problem with public schools is that they lack the money and resources that private schools do. They also have a far larger class size and thus cannot vary their schedule as much. That would cause a school class to get further ahead or behind the other classes. Also, the teachers won’t be as willing to divert the class for the interest of a few students. The other thing is that the teachers lack the same kind of enthusiasm that private school teachers have because they had already been paid. The money of the taxpayer pays the public school teachers and faculty workers. Since they are assured their pay, no matter how their class does, they don’t have a desire to make sure that class does well or is interested in the learning. This is one of the vital problems with our public school systems. Private school teachers, however, can get easily fired for not living up to standards, have higher standards to live up to, and don’t get paid by taxpayers. Instead, they get paid by the students or the students parents so if the parents or students realize that the teachers aren’t doing well then they can choose to leave that school, thus influencing the teachers pay.
Those teachers that are so dedicated to their students that they will help to excite the students do so by taking time to do the things that the students want to do. The parents join the teachers in this by telling the student how much the education they receive means and how important it is to continue that education in order to have a good life.
Due to the lack of motivation in our public schools, our students of today are facing problems with lack of motivation. With a few changes this could be remedied, though the change would not be immediate. These schools have a profound effect on the students desire to learn, and should be reminded of that more often. That might inspire them to work harder to inspire their kids and help our future.

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