Sunday, November 8, 2009

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

The book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl carries a strong message, which is due to two major factors. The first is the fact that the book is not fictional, meaning the whole thing is true. This makes it have a larger shock factor because, if it was fiction, people could easily brush it off as being something the writer just thought up. Being fact, however, makes people wonder how things like this really happened and as a result, draws them in even more into the book. The other factor that makes the book stronger is that the author who released it did not clean up any of the language/spelling or censor any scenes. It was released as the slave wrote about it because the author knew that a book directly from a slave’s point of view would have a larger impact than something that was altered. These two factors both lent an incredible amount of strength to the piece that made it much more interesting to read.

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