Thursday, December 3, 2009

Inquiry Contract Progress

Today for work on my inquiry contract, I read a few articles about stem cell research (both embryonic and not) to start to educate myself about it. One of the interesting things I found out was the fact that there is actually research going into adult stem cell extraction, cells of which can be extracted and then used to treat things such as leukemia. Not only have these treatments been successful, but the usage of the stem cells was much less controversial because it came from adults and as such did not destroy a fetus and future life when harvested. I have also seen a relatively interesting argument in which people argued against stem cell research because they pointed out that such advanced scientific research often leads to terrible discoveries, such as the nuclear bomb. Though I did not find a large amount of information tonight, what I did find was interesting and helped shed a little bit of light on the stem cell research debate.

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